Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Jinx Dawson

Damn there is so much going through my head at the moment. I wonder about my purpose in life and what I'm supposed to do with myself. University is a natural progression forward from high school in order to further my education and hopefully get a fulfilling and well paying job. However, of late I have been doing alot of thinking about how unnecessarily complicated, complex, intricate and basically dumb the earth's societal system is. For example;

The average Caucasian, middle class Australian man will grow up attending various levels and institutions of educational decree to enter into the workforce in a certain aspect. He will, essentially, get a job in order to buy a car, house, television, fishing rod, king gee pants, esky etc etc. The same man will pay tax, car registration, mortgage, rates, food bills, prostitutes and many many more items, entering into a globalized economy upon which his input will circulate contributing to our current measure of success, GDP (gross domestic product).

This is where my first dilemma with the present system appears. A country is measured successful depending on overall economic output. It is the market value of all final goods and services made within the borders of a country in a year. One must assume then that quality of life (health, meaningful relationships, social capital, cultural experiences, ecological integrity and general happiness) is irrelevant. This is where my thoughts have been branching off, theorizing possibilities and alternatives to modern day living.

Imagine, that the modernistic monetary system from which everything within life is based upon, was totally scrapped. Therefore, there would be no need for all the bullshit and complexities we currently face to get through life. The new scenario of the Australian middle class male would consist of growing up within and apart of the environment, cultivating and being self sufficient in terms of food and water, living within a tight knit community and learning essential life skills. What I'm describing may just be equal to turning the clock back a few hundred years (for the westernized world).

Basically, what I'm implying is that if we shut our minds to consumerist materialization's and focused upon real quality of life, living within the infinite realms of the earth is highly achievable. Yet, exponential population growth, international tension's and destructive political motivations will almost make this theorizing, just that, a theory. I can see only one flaw with my thoughts, there would be no BMX, which would suck alot of dick.

1 comment:

  1. From what I've read of the Crispy Stream, this is actually one of my fave posts.

