Once again, met up with Duffy;
and headed into the city, joining up with Jerry, Nick and Beast. Cruised the City, plagued with ANZAC parades and blockages, realising most spots were a bust due to the amount of people. Beast had a bunch of spots he knew of on the southside so we headed there and found loads of cool locales within this industrial estate.
Jerry; Raz Manual
After getting some shit done I.E Nick did a sweet gap B, Jerry did a bunch of cool lines and I dropped a carpark gap;
we headed back into the city to slay a few things with the hope of lesser people, clogging our fun. Turns out I was feeling the King George Square sculpture gap, so with a few cameras on hand, I smashed it out, relatively eventful free;
That was however, until we were just about to pack up, when two cops strolled over, apparently alerted of our activities through a number of CCTV cameras. At the beginning our cameras were supposedly being confiscated for evidence which would have been highly irritating. Beast and I were escorted to the station where they issued me with a 600$ fine, 500$ for riding on the sculpture and 100$ for riding without a helmet, that part was alright but they were going to make us delete the footage for legal purposes. What they didn't know was that I did it twice for different angles, so Beast, being the sneaky little fella, taped over the second shot leading the officers to believe the footage was gone. So stoked we got our cameras, more importantly, our tapes back. I would die if that was taken.
So, all in all a rad day. It's dope riding with Nick, Jerry and Beast, all real nice dudes.
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