We rolled into Canberra with the intent of heading to Backbone BMX sometime. Ended up having to go there anyway to fix a few minor problems with our bikes. Anyway, we get there, have a chat with Rhysty, Tyson and Bentley then the Nike 676.99 guys turn up. They were all real cool dudes. Harry was nice enough to say g'day, seemed to have his head screwed on properly. Thanks to Backbone for letting us rock up and use their tools to fix our bikes on the spot.

This was just to get a bit of a snap with Miner and Bahr. Jeff is really tall and really quiet, well apparently that is until he gets a brew or two in him.

The infamous scrivener dam overflow in Canberra. You may recognize this from the latest Fit DVD, seeing it in real life makes you appreciate what Dak and Dehart did here. Riding up the wall was pretty damn scary. Once I got it sussed I was able to Josh Stricker my way up as far as possible. Duffy happened to snap it clean.

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